As I’m sure you can imagine I am a huge lover of words.
How they are strung together in a beautiful story, a messy apology, or even just endless chatter among friends.
Words give me life, they fill my cup, and revive my soul!
(Seems on brand since I love writing so much)
As I’ve been reflecting on my recent journey in regards to my health I’m reminded of a conversation I had with my dear friend Stephanie.
I remember as if it were yesterday, I shot off a quick text with two simple words “I’m tired!”
We exchanged a few texts about our various antics that week and then I decided to dig deeper.
(Something I’ve been working on, although not with my best effort. But baby steps right?)
I expanded on my initial statement and shared that I was running out of steam in regards to be sick.
Simply put, I was tired of being sick.
In her ever calm demeanor and typical fashion she very gently asked “So what are you asking God to do?”
Caught off guard I accused her of being a bully and changed the subject, yet that question lingered for some time.
Not even a week later the church I have been attending virtually launched into their 21 days of prayer and I committed to waking up every morning to participate in morning prayer.
My request to God and my prayer was simple “Maranatha”
For 21 days, and the weeks and months following until my transplant in moments of frustration, exhaustion, sadness, victories, set backs, and everything in between my prayer was simple “Maranatha”
One word with powerful meaning.
Maranatha, meaning “Come our Lord”
At times when my heart is in conflict, I’m unsure of my next move, or simply in need of a move that only God can make happen “Maranatha” has been my prayer.
And friends, I have seen God move in miraculous ways in my life over the past few months!
Words, have meaning, they give life, spark healing, repair damaged souls, and a whole myriad of other things.
Use them wisely, because that combined with your faith have the power to transform your life with the beautiful rhythms of the miraclous moves of God!

Thank you for sharing your journey and helping us to rethink how we pray.