It’s been a little over 6 months since I moved to Virginia.
I’ve experienced some novelty times that felt big and big moments that provided gentle grounding.
I almost died by way of a dragon (lizard) and have stumbled across many dinosaurs (giant bugs) during this process.
But, I also stumbled across a level of independence that I didn’t know was possible.
Who knew there were levels to being miss independent!
I rediscovered the healthy rhythm of weekly church attendance and corporate worship.
It’s been a beautiful 6 months filled with gems that largely stay in the group chat and endless FaceTime calls.
But, I will say this……
It has been 6 months of weekly surrender as I uncovered hidden wounds that I never knew existed.
It has been 6 months of learning a new Target layout, finding a coffee shop for my Saturday writing sessions (purely for aesthetics), and just learning my way around a new place.
6 months of paying bills which I hadn’t done for years and it’s kind of janky if I’m being honest.
6 months of learning to love the developing version of me as I stepped into a new career field.
I’ve spent time learning to manage my anxiety as I walk into new doctor’s offices attempting to shake off the memories of what my life had been for a few years.
It’s been a blessed & gentle visual that nothing is ever wasted, and He truly orders and directs our steps.
Although I would describe this season of my life as utterly terrifying but holy refining!
